Cod 8388766160001
How’s working?

● Oxidative stress

● Cellular protection

Sirt One is a supplement based on antioxidant active substances which have proven their important features beneficial to health.

Sirt genes are known as longevity genes.

They can be found in the cellular nucleus where they regulate metabolic processes responsible for “cleaning” and cellular renewal.

They are responsible for the production of sirtuins, proteins that modulate cellular survival, which get activated by conditions of metabolic stress, such as a lack of food, exposure to extreme temperatures etc.

Sirtuins carry out an anti-inflammatory activity designed to prevent outbreak of chronic degenerative diseases, premature ageing and weakening of the natural defences of the organism.

The world of plants is very rich in micronutrients, as the plants produce them in order to defend themselves from parasites, bacteria, or atmospheric agents.

Once they enter the organism, they are able to modulate the SIRT genes.

Nowadays, we can extract these substances and make them available for the human body.

Sirt One contains some of the special active ingredients.

Green tea polyphenols, particularly EGCG - Epigallocatechin gallate, are a true ally for a healthy prostate and cardiovascular system.

Pterostilbene can be found mainly in blueberries and red vine.

It is similar to the most well-known resveratrol, but it has better availability than the latter.

By increasing the factor Nrf2, it enhances the activity of various enzymes involved in the protection and detoxification of cells.

Moreover, it also supports cellular apoptosis, performs anti-inflammatory action thanks to the reduced activity of COX2, and inhibits the mechanisms of cellular proliferation.

Resveratrol is a molecule obtained from red vine.

Its potential antitumor and antithrombotic effects remain of particular interest despite the fact that its bioavailability is low if used orally, and there is a relative lack of definite confirmation regarding its clinical usefulness.

Its discovery explained the “French paradox”, an observation that the French population of the south of France is less prone to cardiovascular problems, despite sharing a similar diet with the people in some regions of the United States.

This advantage was attributed to the abundant intake of resveratrol contained in red wine.

Quercetin and hydroxytyrosol are other polyphenols obtained from natural ingredients showing a significant radical, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective activity.

Quercetin is obtained from Sophora Japonica and performs a pleiotropic action which prevents the activity of inflammatory factors, such as NFKB, IL6, IL10, COX, LOX.

It further helps to inhibit cellular proliferation as well as to reduce glucose absorption in the intestine.

It has an immunomodulatory and antibacterial function and it is also used as a preventive remedy in case of lung diseases.

Hydroxytyrosol is contained as oleuropein in olive oil and it is equipped with highly elevated antioxidant features associated with a significant neuro- and cardioprotective function. Polyphenols, catechins A and B, are contained also in the extracts of red grapes and maritime pine.

They have various characteristics including an ability to protect microcirculation and the nervous system.

Finally, the broccoli extract is rich in sulforaphane, a chemical compound belonging to the family of isothiocyanates, to which many studies attribute a potential antioxidant and chemopreventive function.

Sulforaphane acts through the activation of the Nrf2 signalling pathway and NfkB.

It modulates the activity of cytochrome P450 and Phase II enzymes with a detoxifying function.

The studies have confirmed that sulforaphane shows an elevated oral bioavailability.

Sirt One is indicated for those who have an irregular diet poor in fruit and vegetables, for those who practise intense physical activity and are subjected to fatigue and energy recovery, for those who live in unhealthy environments, which could be a vehicle of contact regarding organism with substances with a proven health risk.
Sirt One can be recommended, after consulting a doctor, to people who have a chronic inflammatory condition related to specific pathologies, which can over time progress in the worsening of the health condition.

Take 1 tablet per day, with a sip of water.
Nutritional Info
PACKAGING 30 x 1400 mg tablets.

Bulking agent: Cellulose; Green tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze, leaves) d.e. tit. 45% (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), Quercetin (from Sophora Japonica L., flowers), Resveratrol from Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum Siebold&Zucc., root), Blueberry (Vaccinum myrtillus L., fruits,) d.e. tit. 20% Pterostilbene, Olive (Olea europaea L., leaves) d.e. tit. 10% Hydroxytyrosol, Enovita®  red vine (Vitis vinifera L., seeds) d.e. tit. 95% Proanthocyanidins, Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait, bark) d.e. tit. 95% Oligomeric proanthocyanidins, Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L., leaves with flowers) d.e. tit. 0.5% Sulforaphane, Anti-caking agents: Magnesium salts of fatty acids and Silicon dioxide.

Green tea
    of which EGCG
300 mg
135 mg
Quercetin200 mg
Resveratrol100 mg
Blueberry d.e.
    of which Pterostilbene
100 mg
20 mg
Olive d.e.
    of which Hydroxytyrosol
50 mg
5 mg
Red vine Enovita® d.e.
    of which PAC
50 mg
47,5 mg
Maritime pine d.e.
    of which Oligomeric proanthocyanidins
50 mg
47,5 mg
Broccoli d.e.
    of which Sulforaphane
50 mg
0,25 mg
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