Efa Krill

  • Micronutrients
  • Gluten Free
  • Lactose Free
Cod 8388766158749
How’s working?

 Source of Omega 3 phospholipids

 Modulates LDL cholesterol and Triglycerides

 Cardiovascular protection

Efa Krill is an innovative dietary supplement containing Antarctic Krill oil, naturally rich in Omega 3, EPA and DHA, mainly in the form of phospholipids, a molecular form that makes them highly bioavailable and beneficial to our health. 
Krill are small crustaceans, similar to shrimps, which grow to a maximum size of 5 cm. 
Since Omega 3 essential fatty acids are not synthesised by our organism, it is important to introduce them through a healthy diet and correct supplementation.
Scientific studies confirm that Omega 3 in the form of phospholipids from krill and herring roe are more effectively distributed to the tissues and cells than Omega 3 in the form of triglycerides, as they are capable of crossing the phospholipid cell membrane more easily. 
Antarctic krill oil is also rich in astaxanthin, a natural antioxidant which provides the capsules with the dark red colour and guarantees their stability over time, without the need for additives.
Regular intake of Omega 3 in the form of phospholipids contributes to reducing chronic inflammation, increasing the deformability of the blood cells, and therefore improving the supply of blood and oxygen to the tissues. 
DHA has an essential role particularly in the development and activity of the central nervous system.
An adequate supply of EPA and DHA through healthy lifestyle and a controlled diet boosts the heart function, improves the blood’s lipid profile, contributes to reducing LDL lipoproteins and facilitates the increase of HDL.
Efa Krill is indicated to enrich the diet with Omega 3 fatty acids, in case of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as osteoarticular autoimmune disorders, in case of memory deficits, to keep the nervous system and skin in good health. Efa Krill contributes to reducing the painful symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Take 2 pearls per day, preferably after main meals.
Nutritional Info

PACKAGING 60 x 825 mg pearls.


Lipid extract of Antarctic krill crustacean (Euphasia superba), Animal gelatin (bovine), Resistant agents: Sorbitol syrup, Glycerol; Water, Flavouring.

Krill Extract of which:
1,18 g
177 mg
82,6 mg
Total Phospholipids
    of which Phosphatidylcholine
660,8 mg
566,4 mg
Colina82,6 mg
Total Omega 3 318,6 mg
118 mcg

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