Hydration and Integration: 10 useful tips!

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5-10 min

Did you know that more than 54% of Italians forget to drink during the day? If you are one of them too, we have some tips to help you stay hydrated and healthy!

But first, some basic premises.

Our body is made up of more than 60% water. The proper functioning of cellular metabolism is guaranteed by minimum hydration values.

In short, water is life and health!

But water is not just water: in fact, numerous salts (solutes) such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chlorine and others known as electrolytes or minerals are dissolved inside. Among them, all essential for our metabolism, we remind you that sodium is the main ion of the extracellular environment and potassium of the intracellular environment. These two compartments must be in ideal balance in an intra / extra cellular ratio 2: 1. The intake of sodium, potassium and other foods has a decisive influence on this balance.

Generally speaking, electrolyte imbalances generate metabolic malfunctions. For example, an excess of sodium retains fluids in the extracellular environment causing water retention. Good hydration is therefore strongly influenced by nutrition and dietary supplementation.

So here are our 10 tips for proper hydration and integration:

1. Open your eyes and start drinking

Drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up before breakfast helps to get your metabolism going. Lest you forget, try keeping a glass on your nightstand!

2. One day, eight glasses

According to experts, the indicative amount of water to drink during the day is 8 glasses per day. The ideal would be to distribute 2 for each meal starting with breakfast, and another 2 divided over the morning.

3. With you, always!

Always keep the water at hand and above all, in sight! Being able to have a bottle of water on your desk or a comfortable bottle in case you do a non-sedentary job, is a great way to remember to drink and maintain proper hydration during the day.

4. Eat and drink

Always drink with meals and snacks, but don't overdo it. It will help you feel fuller and eat more slowly.

5. Small is better

Use small, low and wide glasses which, while containing a lot of water, are able to deceive the eyes and therefore you will be more likely to drink.

6. Little by little

Drinking a lot of water at once is certainly not the right way to stay hydrated, on the contrary, it can even be counterproductive as it can strain the kidneys. The best choice, therefore, also useful for regulating metabolic processes, is a sip every fifteen minutes.

7. More taste

An excellent solution to hydrate yourself in a more pleasant and "tasty" way could be a delicious juice or a good fresh fruit smoothie.

8. Not just water

If after a few hours drinking water is "heavy", the alternatives could be infusions, herbal teas or tea.

9. Sports

Don't forget to drink also and especially during sports! Under stress the body loses a lot of fluids (and mineral salts) which are very important to replenish. Our solution is Reisprint which, thanks to its properties, will help you stay hydrated and replenish lost mineral salts.

10. Fruits and vegetables

Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Rich in water, they are a pleasant and alternative way to hydrate during the day. The fruits richest in water are watermelons and strawberries. Followed by oranges, cherries, tomatoes, radishes, spinach and grapes.

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